Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Your tricking is an outward expression of your lifestyle

If your lifestyle is characterized by microwavable dinners, a couch, half a dozen bright screens, interrupted sleep, and an excessive school or work burden - your tricking will reflect this. If your lifestyle is characterized by nourishing foods, plenty of sunshine and movement, refreshing sleep, deep relationships and recreations, and a more moderate set of school and work burdens - your tricking will reflect this. Every thing you do has a positive or negative impact on your tricking. Recovery methods are just lifestyle choices and activities that impact your tricking positively.


  1. first follower!

    life is awesome, isn't it?

  2. Second follower, I'm still kind of cool, hope some good stuff is coming soon.

  3. Weird post. My life is reflected by my daughter, girlfriend, and a lot of boredom. :(

  4. what do you mean by, tricking?
